View From the Floor is a memoir about sex, drugs and rock-n-roll without legs, as told through the life experiences of artist, singer, writer, and crip commentator Mindie Lind.
Utilizing animation, music, and Mindie’s distinctive voice, this feature documentary will provide a radical, irreverent, and starkly personal perspective on disability, ableism, inspiration porn, and exploitation.
A Deeper Look
Disability remains the most underrepresented and misrepresented group in the media. More than one in four people in the US have some type of disability, yet only 1.9% of characters on our screens are disabled. Of that tiny percentage, most are misrepresentations not created by or with disabled folks.
View From the Floor is a story told through the lens of someone who has lived her whole life without legs, has studied the ways in which disability functions in society, and is obsessed with taking these conversations to pop culture. Mindie’s journey establishes a new paradigm of disability narrative–allowing her to be both the hero and anti-hero of her own story, to be somebody who is still learning, who is hurt—not physically, but socially—from her experiences, and who has been empowered by disability in both good and bad ways.
With View From the Floor we hope to express a fresh perspective on disability that challenges expectations and shifts mindsets, bringing an expanded understanding to wide audiences and shaking up representation, legislation, and even culture itself.